Saturday 24 January 2015

Smart Track Rudder Fixing

Fixing the Smart Track Rudder system was as simple as destroying it!  One of the benefits of this system from my perspective is that you can easily replace the various components that make up the assembly.

I rang up Rob from Expedition Kayaks last weekend and explained that I had destroyed my current housing and by Monday, Mark had the replacement kit on the way and in my hands by the end of the week.

The kit itself doesn't contain a rudder or the spring which is the fundamental piece in the jigsaw puzzle, but for just over $100 AU, this kit would be worth while tucking away in your toolbox for longer trips.

The whole rudder assembly is held on by a single pin which is very simple to detach.  All the major components are held on by split pins or equivalent and you don't need a degree in engineering to workout what goes where and how to replace it.  A small pair of pliers would be useful.

This piece is critical for your repair kit.  It is the spring which fits inside the rudder and is under tension at all times.  Some duct tape or  a zip tie would get you out of trouble if you broke one of these on an expedition - but they weigh nothing and would make life a lot easier if you had a replacement on hand!

Rudder installed and ready to go for an afternoon paddle.  I shouldn't forget to mention my shed helper who likes to stick her nose in to see what I am up to whenever I am working in the shed.

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